Saturday, February 26, 2011

Community Driven Crime Control (CDCC)

What is Community-Driven Crime Control (CDCC)

CDCC is based on POLICE POWERS AS A SOCIAL RESOURCE THEORY by Professor Kam C. Wong, Xavier University.

CDCC is practiced in Cincinnati communities, since 2007.

Community-Driven Crime Control (CDCC) is a different way of thinking about crime fighting; different than problem-oriented policing (POP), community-oriented policing (COP), and certainly set apart from traditional policing (TP).

What is the dramatic difference from traditional policing and community-orienetd approaches?

(1) It looks at crime as problems;

(2) It looks at problems from the grass-roots and personal perspective;

(3) It looks at police as one of the many social resources;

(4) It puts the community in control of solving problems;

(5) It solves problems with access to information and usable knowledge.

CDCC v. Traditional Policing

How does Community-Driven Crime Control differ from traditional policing or its variants: community-oriented policing, problem-oriented policing?

Answer: The key difference is, "Who's in the driver's seat?"

Community-driven explicitly requires that citizens have control over what local government does to and for their community. With regard to the police, anything short of community-driven is at best community-oriented or problem-oriented. The term "oriented" itself infers that citizens have input, but little or no control over resources or outcomes, because there has been no transfer of responsibility or accountability which remains with the police.

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